Effects of anti-Semitism

Effects of anti-Semitism

Topic: Effects of anti-Semitism

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Anti-Semitism started many decades ago where Jews are discriminated, prejudiced, and hated. It is a form of racial discrimination to Semitic people. Anti-Semitism has been expressed in form of crimes and hatred to the Jews. Police attacks and military attacks on the Jews communities kill are some of the common acts that exhibit anti-Semitism against the Jews. There are many acts of anti-Semitism that happened some years ago in England and Spain. Examples include the massacres of Jews from Spain in 1391, expulsion of Jews from England in 1290, and the persecutions of Jews in Spanish inquisition. Jews have been isolated, oppressed, attacked as a result of the belief and hostile behavior towards the Jews. There is no good reason why the Jews are discriminated, just because they are Jews. It is believed that the hostility towards the Jewish dates long time back probably the beginning of their history. Hatred and hostility increased due the rise of Christianity in Jews communities. Oppressions and discrimination were the order of every day. For example, through the Bible, we learn the suffering of Jesus the master of the Jews. He was caned and crucified just because He was a Jew and condemning the traditions of the gentiles and other tribes. Despite him sent by God, as a Jew, he was neither recognized nor respected by the hostile communities.
Effects of Anti-Semitism
Anti-Semitism, as act of hatred, violence and discrimination against a specific group of people due to their religion beliefs or traditions.
First, anti-Semitism results to death of many innocent people in the societies. Jews is a community like any other but the only difference is how they do their things. Jewish religion attacked the Judaism religion by referring to an outdated belief that had no gain as it blocked human progress. The belief in a Jewish race resulted to massive killings by Germany. Germany killed every Jewish that was in her land. More so, even those Germans who were converts to Christianity were killed for being members of Jewish race. In 1939-1945, over six million Jewish were murdered and that represent a third of all Jews in the world. Many children were left homeless and orphans due to murder and property destruction by the Germans. The massacres in Spain is another effect of anti-Semitism. In 1391 June 6, the archdeacon of Ecija incited people to attack the Jewish Quarter and over 10,000 Jews were murdered. Jews were forced to convert to Christianity and rebellious were mercilessly killed. On July 6 the same year, attacks continued and over 200 were murdered. In Palma De Majorca, Jewish communities were destroyed and the dwellers were converted to Christianity. Another effect of anti-Semitism is the Cossack massacres that happened in Ukraine of 1648-1657.
Second, Anti-Semitism subjected many Jews to oppression and slavery. Many Jews were internally displaced and their properties destroyed. Jews in Europe were treated as outsiders and were accused of killing Jesus through the orders given by Pontius Pilate. Jews were persecuted in 14th century during the Black Death in Europe. In 1215 C.E, Rome, Lateran Council of Rome instructed Jews to wear the “badge of shame” in every countries where Christianity was the main religion. In Australia in 1215 C.E, many Jews were murdered and their properties confiscated. Others who denied civilization were arrested and subjected to forced labor and slavery. In addition, those against conversion to Christianity were burned. In Germany, it was declared in 1264 C.E, Jews were subjected to wearing a “pointed dunce cap” and thousands of Jews got killed. In 1270 C.E, England Jews were accused of making counterfeit coins and as a result, they were subjected to imprisonment and a great number was hanged. From the above instances, Jews were highly oppressed, discriminated because of their stand in religion. Restriction were put to limit operations of the Jews when they were hold in captives by the Babylonians. In Babylon, they undergone torture, forced labor, oppression and poor standard of living. Restrictions were put in 50 C.E by the Roman Empire to limit Jews holding meetings.

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Third, denial of human rights. Every person be it a Jew, Palestine, American or Congolese has his/her own lights. The rights of Jews are overlooked since they have different beliefs with Judah residents. Every tribe has rights of worship. Whether the tribe worships a golden calf like the Jews or God of Judah, it is a choice. In Germany were over six million Jews were killed due to rise of Christianity. Most of them were forced out the Germany land and their properties destroyed. The act fully abused human rights although at those ages human rights were neglected and overlooked. Massive murder of Jews that occurred in different parts of Spain, Ukraine and England were against human rights. Every individual should be free of oppression, torture and slavery. When the Israelites, mostly Jews were taken to exile by the Babylonians, they took long before resuming their country. They were held in captives for over 400 years accompanied with mistreatment and deaths of many Israelites. They had no lands and forced labor will minute pay was their income from the Babylonians. In real sense, the Jews held in captives had no rights at all. The economies of Jews communities had low growth rate since most of the capable and skilled personnel lives were terminated. A loss six million people in a single country like what happened in Germany can lead to collapse of a countries economy.
Forth, anti-Semitism led to lack of unity between the Jews and the societies against the Jewish. Unity is a pillar of growth in every nation, community or institutions. Massive attacks leading to death of many Jews clearly indicated that there lacked unity in the respective countries quoted in this paper. Discrimination, hatred, and crime against Jews led to insufficient unity.

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