HCA305: The U.S. Health Care System – DQ 1

HCA305: The U.S. Health Care System – DQ 1

Numerous resources now exist that allow individuals to make an informed choice of who will provide their medical care. Unfortunately, the average health care consumer is unaware of where to find information about hospitals, medical providers, and insurance coverage. Imagine that you are assisting someone in your community (a real or fictitious person of your choice) in finding a medical provider. In your post, provide a brief description of this person and address the following questions:

            What factors would you need to keep in mind while conducting this search?
            How would you evaluate who the best medical provider for this person is?
            Consider the type of care necessary, cost, the level and type of insurance coverage available, and any other related issues. What would make someone a good or bad medical provider for this person?

Review this week’s reading  "Your Guide to Choosing Quality Health Care," for ideas. Based on this information, conduct a search for medical providers in your area. What did your search reveal?

Guided Response: Review several of your classmates’ posts. Provide a substantive response to at least two of your peers. Imagine that you are the person for whom your classmate was searching for a health care provider. What issues, if any were overlooked? What other issues should be considered when looking for a health care provider for the person described? Based on the available health care providers described, what would you expect the level of quality of care to be? If the care level could be low, what would you suggest this person do?

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