Hierarchy of Influence Paper

Hierarchy of Influence Paper

APA standard including bibliography. Discuss the important influences as debated in class. Reflect on the importance of each.
Create a hierarchy of influence from least to greatest influence in major and minor influences. This can be illustrated through a mind map or graphic. Discuss what you have learned on the influences on consumer purchasing behavior.
Submit on iLearn on week 9. Paper is double-spaced, 12pt font, 10-15 pages. Turn in electronically. APA format including bibliography.
Paper on the hierarchy of influence

Assignment #4    .Due : Week 9   Reflection Paper on the Hierarchy of Influential Factors    100 pts.    DUE MAY 25th  before class

Pair Assignment [two people.]   APA standard including bibliography.   Discuss the important influences as debated in class. Reflect on the importance of each.

Create a hierarchy of influence from least to greatest influence in major and minor influences. This can be illustrated through a mind map or graphic.   Discuss what you have learned on the influences on consumer purchasing behavior.

Submit on iLearn on week 9. Paper is double-spaced, 12pt font, 10-15 pages.    Turn in electronically. APA format including bibliography.

Paper on the hierarchy of influence  DUE  MAY 25 before class


Notes for paper grading  :

1.      Abstract 200-250 words   [5 points ]    The abstract should include all of the major elements of your paper, including an introduction, hypothesis, methods, results, and discussion.

2.      Introduction of Topic Selection [5 points ]

Introduction should include a brief definition of Consumer Behavior and the assignment.  The introduction should introduce the topic and its importance along with a brief outline of paper.  [ Length of introduction should not exceed 3 paragraphs.]

Introductions and conclusions can be the most difficult parts of  any paper. Introduction paragraphs  serve as a map for the rest of your paper setting the tone and the direction. Your introduction conveys what your topic is, why it is important, and how           you plan to layout your paper. Your introduction should contain a thesis asserting your main argument. It should also give the reader a sense of the information you will use to make that argument and the general organization of the paragraphs and pages       that will follow.


3.      Presentation of hierarchy of influential factorsin Customer Buying Behavior [40 points ]

a.       Strategy and Process for arriving at the importance of each

b.      Outside source and textbook agreement/disagreement on each

c.       Reflect on the importance of each to consumer behavior and apply personally

d.      This section is the bulk of your paper and should be 4-5 pages in length.

The hierarchy of influential factors simply means to rank the influential factors in order of importance to purchasing behavior. [4-5 pages in length.]

As you rank them please reveal the reasoning behind why one factor is more important than another. This reasoning is your strategy used to arrive at  which influences are the most important.

Each factor that is influential in buying should be discussed in your paper with connection to the debates, your mind map, and the text. Please include the outside source used in your debate or another outside source that was discussed in the debates.

As you ranked the influential factors, reflect on the importance of each to consumer behavior from the text and your personal life.

4.      Discussion of the selection Mind Maps  [10 points ]

a.       How did your original mind maps fit into the newly formed hierarchy [Is your mind map and those of the group different or alike… how do they conmpare to the paper?]

b.      What changes did comparison/contrast of the group mind maps make in decision process

c.       Approximately one to two pages in length.

5.      Discussion of Debates [10 points ]

a.       Did your groups discussion of the important points in the debates change your attitudes, understanding and/or placement of influential factors in the ‘hierarchy of influence’

b.      What specific points and outside sources brought up in the debates influenced your ‘hierarchy

c.       Discuss opposing opinions on which factors are important

d.      Approximately two pages in length.

6.      Discussion of any surprises that your group encountered in compiling this paper  [5 points ]

a.           Approximately one page in length.

7.      Discuss any ethics that need to be considered in any factor of your hierarchy of influential factors

a.       Approximately one to two pages in length. [10 points ]

8.      Any influential factors that your groups thinks needs exploration that was not discussed [5 points ]

a.       why/why not factor was not acknowledged in text

b.       any outside sources to support your idea that this is an influential factor

c.       Approximately one to two pages in length.

9.      Conclusion   [10 points ]

a.       What did you learn about influence, how did scaffolding assignments help or hinder.  [scaffolding comments 5 out of the 10 points]  Illustrate how they did or did not work into each other.

b.      Approximately one to two pages in length.

c.        Bibliography

d.      Appendix should include SWOT on top factors and any notes from group meetings /class debate

Your conclusion is your chance to have the last word on the subject. The conclusion allows you to have the final say on the issues you have raised in your paper, to summarize your thoughts, to demonstrate the importance of your ideas, and to propel your reader to a new view of the subject. It is also your opportunity to make a good final impression and to end on a positive note. Such a conclusion will help them see why all your analysis and information should matter to them after they put the paper down.

* Points deducted from spelling, grammar, or format errors.

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