Value adding support strategies

Value adding support strategies

Paper instructions:

Part 1

Value adding support strategies are concerned with business areas such as organization structure and flexibility, behavioral norms, finance, human resources, technology, and information systems in addition, to playing a major role in implementing the organization’s overall strategy (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 347). Therefore, the strategies are required in order, to enhance or maintain the competitive advantages or strengthen areas that have competitive disadvantages (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 347).  Consequently, internal environment analysis is important for a variety of reasons including the ability to identify the competitively relevant weaknesses and strengths for the support activities (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 348). After, a comparison is conducted the results will determine if any of the support areas need to be changed or maintained in order, to carry out the overall organization’s strategy (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 348). The main value adding support strategies for an organization are the organizational culture, structure, and strategic resources (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 348). Therefore, it is important that each strategy is aligned with one another (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 348). Each value adding support strategy should be compatible and consistent with each other (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013, p. 348). The internal environment analysis and the strategy formulation both play important roles with the development of value adding support strategies.

Part 2

The internal environmental analysis is an extensive review of functional areas within a company such as operations, information systems, marketing, human resources, internal guidance, financial administration, etc. (Ginter, Duncan, & Swayne, 2013).  The SWOT method includes performing internal analysis, as well as external checks to adequately formulate a strategy towards success.  Internal environment analysis helps development of value adding support strategies by awareness, monitor function and regulation, and basically providing a control system.  Internal analysis provides a foundation for
any pursuits outside of the system.  One cannot fully understand their capabilities towards the external world until fully understanding the internal assessments; understand the company’s strengths, weaknesses, what they do best, and they available resources.

Strategy formulation plays a pivotal role in the success of a business.  Strategy allows a plan to come to fruition, and helps a company fulfill its intended objective.  Strategy is the plan that management uses to strengthen the company’s position in the market.  Without a strategy, an organization is basically “winging it” as they are improvising as they go.  Overall, strategy formation is an important piece to the management puzzle; with the aid of both the internal and external analyses, it will help establish long term goals and objectives.

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